Judy Abraham | Sheila Armour | Patricia Chao-Malave | Verina Horne | Reginald Osborne | Vernon Terry
Vernon Terry
[Vernon Terry has not submitted answers to the Activist Toolkit questionnaire.]
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1. What motivates you to seek this office? What skills, experiences, and perspectives would you bring, and why would those contributions be valuable in the office you are seeking?
2. When in the past have you had to balance competing interests? What process did you use? What did you learn?
3. What does transparency in government mean to you? How would you put it into practice? Do you believe the Village of Broadview operates in a transparent manner?
4. As more of our local discourse happens in social media, what is your view on how local elected officials should communicate with and respond to constituents? How will you engage with the breadth of the community, and not only those on social media?
5. What barriers do you see for community members who wish to engage with Broadview’s village government? How would you work to reduce or eliminate those barriers?
6. What do you feel are the three biggest issues facing Broadview, and how do you intend to address them?
7. How do you define equity? Have recent events and discussions in the larger community informed or changed your thinking?
8. How do you plan to solicit feedback from people who may be experiencing this community in a different way than you? What barriers do you believe may exist in this process?
9. Name an influential Broadview community member. How did this person’s influence change Broadview? As an elected official, what do you imagine your influence will be on the community?
10. What impact can a municipality such as Broadview have on climate change, and how will you prioritize that work among other issues?
11. What do you see as the most pressing issue relating to housing in Broadview? What policies would you advocate to address this issue? Do you consider support for affordable housing to be a core function of our village government? Why or why not?
12. In recent months there have been calls in many communities to defund the police or reimagine public safety. How do you define public safety? Do you begin from the premise that increased policing is the most effective response to increased crime, or would you propose other solutions?
13. What do you believe has caused the recent swell in carjackings in the surrounding area? Do you see an appropriate law enforcement response to this situation?
14. What is your development vision for Roosevelt Road? What form do you feel development should take there? How would you confront the parking situation?
15. Do you believe there is room for a human-scale development approach in Broadview? Why or why not?
16. How would you evaluate the success of Broadview’s plans for Covid-19 mitigation at the Village? Do you feel the Village has adequately protected its employees, and that there has been adequate transparency with respect to case tracking?
17. How do you believe the Covid-19 pandemic has affected Broadview’s Village finances, and what policies do you favor going forward as part of the recovery?
18. Do you believe the Village of Broadview is financially healthy? Do you feel the current Village budget is balanced? What is your approach to fiscal transparency?
19. As an elected official, do you believe you have a responsibility to speak out about private labor practices? If so, how do you balance that responsibility with the tax benefits larger corporate operations may bring to the Broadview community?
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Broadview First Party Financials (Illlinois Sunshine)
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