Erika Bachner | Kathleen “Katie” Brennan | Michael Gibbs
Greg Kuenster | Robert O’Connell
GregG Kuenster
candidate for 2019 River Forest VILLAGE TRUSTEE
[Greg Kuenster has not submitted answers to the Activist Toolkit questionnaire.]
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1. What motivates you to seek this office? What skills, experiences, and perspectives would you bring to the Board of Trustees, and why would those contributions be valuable to the Village of River Forest?
2. What steps will you take to improve and expand community engagement with the Village and the Board? What is your view on how local elected officials should communicate with and respond to constituents?
3. In what ways have you sought to better know and understand the concerns and needs of residents outside your demographic group (specifically the demographic groups of race, religion, ability, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status)?
4. What is your position on the extent to which the Village should include accessibility features, both for existing structures ( e.g. , Metra, sidewalks) and future developments?
5. What steps should the Village take to comply with the Illinois Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act?
6. Please list up to three steps that you would advocate the Village take to improve safety and mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers?
7. In what ways do you think the Village Board effectively represents River Forest residents? In what ways do you think the Village Board could improve in its representation of River Forest residents?
8. How will you balance the need to raise revenue for the Village with other interests of the Village?
9. What impact can a municipality such as River Forest have on climate change, and how will you prioritize that work among other issues? Do you think River Forest should implement a Climate Action Plan, and if so, what specific elements should it include?
10. Please list the three largest donors to your campaign by dollar amount contributed.
Candidate in litigation with the village makes his case (WJ 3/26/19)
Gregg Kuenster addresses allegations at Buzz Cafe River Forest Trustee Forum (Facebook video 3/19/19)
River Forest trustee candidate engaged in lawsuit with village (Forest Leaves 3/19/19)
Candidate Profile (WJ 3/14/19)
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About the River Forest Village Board
River Forest Village Board candidates speak on TIF districts, economic development (Forest Leaves 3/4/19)
2019 River Forest Village Board Candidate Forum Video (YouTube 3/2/19)
Everyone on the ballot in Oak Park, River Forest elections (WJ 1/8/19)
River Forest candidates face contested elections in April races (Forest Leaves 12/18/18)